A Life in Progress

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Acid/Alkaline Balance

Our bodies are kept alive by a very complex electrical system, which at birth is a neutral pH - that is, a relatively equal balance of positively and negatively charged ions.

One can look at a water molecule as H2O, two molecules of hydrogen, and one molecule of Oxygen - however, this bond is not static, the molecules are repeatedly bonding, breaking, and re-pairing with other electrically charged ions, anions and cations.

Cells transport nutrition and waste through the cell walls by a very amazing process of positively and negatively charged pumps. The Sodium and Potassium, Chloride, and Magnesium - these are the electrolytes which are monitored by the physician in order to gauge the body's ability to regain its own balance.

Due to the meat and starch (potatoes, noodles, bread) diet, which has been promoted by the food industry and sometimes forced by economic availability, People are acidifying their body systems, millions of people are dying, and losing limbs to diabetic gangrene at alarming rates!

We must be growing our own gardens at the first peek of the last frost; we must change this statistic. By increasing the vegetables and fruits in our diets, and ridding our bodies of dairy food and milk - we can maintain the neutral to slightly alkaline pH which is most optimum for our body to function.

Unfortunately, the majority of teenage and adult people who are living today have extremely ACIDIC body systems. Everything that is on the market today, from bottled water, to the "health" drinks, are extremely acidic; white flour, starch, sugar, all contribute to an acidic system. Fast Food and Dairy Products - especially milk - are detrimental to the neutral pH, balanced environment, which is required for the proper maintenance of the body.

As a Medical Technologist, I have noticed an alarming trend; the overall acidity of patients’ urine is increasing (the pH is going down, down, down). The saliva of an individual with dis-ease is acidic. This is why there has been such a big push toward the use of anti-oxidants – a misnomer really – they are anti-hydrogens, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite nearly as well, does it? Science has proven that anti-oxidant supplements do not work! See Alan Alda’s “Scientific American” episode on the effects of a raw diet on the lives of five different people. Very interesting.

There is currently a very large movement of people who are drinking alkalinized water – which introduces millions of negatively charged ions into the body in order to neutralize the devastating acidic effects. Eating alkaline foods, which, by the way, tend to be mostly vegetables is imperative to a healthy, balanced and functioning system. Taking in small amounts of highly nutritious/low caloric food every couple of hours will ensure a proper supply of glucose within the blood system and a balance of the electrical system, causing the least amount of damage to the cells, as now every thing works together in balance and harmony.

pH strips are easy to find at any pool supply or fish supply store. Our natural body pH should be fairly close to 7.0. Most people are walking around today with acidic systems of 6.0 to 6.5 - this indicates that there are millions of positively charged hydrogen ions zooming around inside the body looking for negatively charged ions to pair up with - unfortunately there is such a plethora of hydrogen ions, most of what they do is plow through cell walls and create damage - constant every day damage. The insulin producing cells of the pancreas are the first indicator cells of advancing destruction. Out of control blood sugar is the beginning of a devastating road of self-destruction.

Actually, that is not even the most alarming statistic - the actual fact is that these millions of diet-induced diabetics go into the hospital, and hundreds of thousands of them end up with chronic, debilitating medical errors, and nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections. This drives up the cost of health care – and the Healthcare system continues to spiral out of control.

It would be so easy to repair, if each one of us began to grow our gardens in what ever space we are lead to – develop community gardens (Fremont area of Seattle WA used to have am amazing community garden system – maybe they still do), share our garden space with others, work together as communities to produce our own food. Those in the community who are knowledgeable about nutrition, herbs, healing, who honor Oyasin, they are responsible for teaching others how to eat nutritiously. This time is fast approaching when we will have to support ourselves in order to continue this earthly existence. Those who come together in Love, who share ritual, who share honestly, those enlightened souls will progress. Ase ase ase ooooooo Ayodele

Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Will

"Is it necessary for Man to hurt others because he wants to achieve greatness?
Do we have to betray those we love to acquire riches?
So much negative actions between the sons of men in their search for power...
So sad...
My earth man is it really worth it?
When you hurt another you are hurting yourself...
for real...
It will catch up with you."
Hre Valentine Ossai Akpati

This makes me think of one of the principles that was taught by the christian faith, and that I later conjoined with the idea of Karma - I have heard versions of it, even from those who profess no faith..."Negative Energy (Sins, Bad Behavior, Bad Karma) will come back on to the person"...either seven times or ten times. I have heard both.

In Yoruba mythology I have learned that Esu Odara is the keeper of the crossroad, some see his actions as that of Karma; in Christian Studies, because the Missionaries who originally attempted to study the African Traditional Religions, with no interest in the study of the real African culture,worked with such a limited base of knowledge upon which to make their interpretations, he was cast as the devil, once again again, the meter out of vengence.

I recognize the Spirit and Essence of Esu Odara. Iba se Esu Odara, Oba en la Katu, Attun wa se a Benin, Ala Ke se Imire, La roiye ase Bedare, Ase, Ase, Ase O
I am reminded that every moment is a crossroad, that every meeting, an opportunity to change a life, for good or for bad. Every Soul on this Earth has this power. Free Will.

The reality I recognize is that I am responsible for my actions, my reactions, my moods, my attitudes, my behavior... which will determine my Karma, but more importantly, will determine my present state of mental health. If I am truthful, sincere, honest, kind and Loving, then I have no drama to dwell upon. Nothing that replays, over and over and over again, no second guessing, no remembering, no stress. Living in the present, being present and Loving Life. This is what we were meant to be here for. Moving gently through life.

Ase oooooooo Ayodele

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Butterflies - Angels in Our Midst

Blessings to SpiritChange Blessings to Curtis J. Grandmstr Black and Mut Nana Collier for posting this. Alafia Htp Namaste to all.

A butterfly or beautiful moth, especially out of season, that flies into your home and settles close to you or remains out side motionless for a long period of time is a wonder to behold. Butterflies and moths have traditionally been seen as spirit travelers and a way that angels move easily around the earth. Both are symbols of rebirth and transformation, so this angelic signal may appear after a setback, when you are seeking a new beginning, or even around the time of a birth or the death of someone to whom you were very close. Moths and butterflies are a very subtle form of angelic communication and they some times bring a message from a deceased relative who has been on your mind. Butterflies are often a way of saying to a person who is always dashing or is a workaholic, “Hey, slow down and be aware of the wondrous world beyond the computer screen and stressful daily commuting.”

Ayodele's Reflections

One of the ten signs of an Angel is of particular interest for me. Butterflies have been such an integral part of my lifetime, from the seasonal migration of the Monarch Butterflies through the high desert of my home, to the strong symbolism of life after death, transformation and rebirth, after the death of my Son.

Last Spring, I took a road trip from Arizona to Washington State. Along the way, in the middle of the high desert in California, I picked up an apparently dead butterfly from the car lane of a remote petrol station. It was magnificently beautiful, and called my attention when I was filling my car for the next leg of my very long journey. I settled the body of the Butterfly on the lid of my cup, in order to admire her beauty, and contemplate on her meaning. Perhaps the coolness of the vehicle, or the few drops of water on the lid of the cup revived her, but she came back to life within about twenty minutes. She stepped up onto my finger, and we rode that way and chatted for the next thirty minutes (She mostly listened LOL). I found the next rest stop, where there were some green trees and water, and let her go. As soon as I place her upon the tree branch, she disappeared. I was awestruck, and blessed. Ire ooooo Thank You for bringing this memory fresh to my mind, I am again feeling the awe, the beauty and the gentle peacefulness of that Butterfly. Ayodele

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fences in America

Some of the most remote lands in America are FENCED -  Who ever decided that he could "OWN" that which was freely given - that which thousands of generations of native peoples lived on, moved on, danced on, and prayed on...WITHOUT A FENCE. Not only am I paying taxes for a piece of property I will never "own", the value of the property has diminished by factors of ten, and the cost of the property tax has soared...who decided that?  And they wonder why so many people are just walking away from the absolute non-sense.

I am so fed up with this society, the government - I am seeing an ultimate and total collapse, due to solar flare destruction of the technology which runs it - People will have to be survivors, strong and united with others of the same values - people who have prepared and studied about how to survive, eat off of the land, gather dew, and sow seeds, protect themselves, and commune with Olodumare/God.  There will be no mortgage payments, no parking tickets, no morning and evening, rush-hour, nerve-wracking commute.  There will be no facebook, no computers (I actually remember a world before the personal computer), no cell phones... runners will carry the news, once again.  Healers, Priest/esses, and Teachers will travel from camp to camp, offering services for barter.  The US dollar is already so devalued that a one dollar bill is worth more as fire kindling.  People will have to come alive again - to walk where they want to go, to carry water and work at survival, to unite with others...extended families, all generations coming together to reform Society, all colors, all ages, united in the act of survival.

People in America tend to be so Mono-maniacal, and self-satisfied, that they believe nothing like that could happen on American soil - how surprised they will all be, to find that their bank accounts are non-existent, their investments a mere wisp-in-the-wind - Technology has just been around long enough that corporations have become "environmentally friendly" and discontinued paper copy back up systems.  Surprise!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ascension Development Services



 ADC Logo 1

Ascension Development Services

First I am interested in your take on the Logo design.  Please give me constructive feedback about the design. You should be able to see the ADC within the red and white design.  Do you have any objections to this design? I am open to all of your ideas and comments.  Please try to stay as constructive and loving as possible. 


Her is my proposed blurb for promoting my company:

Ascension Development Services will be working with Physician Offices where an in house laboratory is already set up.  All laboratories, regardless of their complexity or location, are required to abide by a set of standards, developed by  US Law and accrediting agencies.  These standards include personnel competency and documentation of education commensurate with the job title.  They also include Quality Assurance Programs, including monitoring of key indicators in pre-analytical, analytical, and post- analytical  phases of testing.  In other words, there must be an ongoing, fluid system of checks and balances to ensure that the personnel are knowledgeable and competent.  The order/specimen/analysis/result process must also be actively monitored in order to know that it is functioning well; inclusive of multiple aspects from Patient Identification Standards, to reporting and documenting of critical results.

The laboratory instrumentation must undergo the same rigorous standards of QC and Proficiency testing, Maintenance logs and regularly scheduled preventive maintenance.  Monitoring and documentation of the laboratory environment can also be a compliance concern, when testing is required to be performed under specific environmental conditions.

Oh yes, My name is Linet and I am a Medical Technologist (AAB). With forty years of combined experience in various laboratory settings from Physician offices, to Hospitals, to reference laboratories, Terry MT(ASCP) and I can give you a clear picture of where your laboratory stands when preparing for an accreditation agency inspection. 


Good, Bad, or indifferent – please let me know what you think – Modu pe

Friday, August 27, 2010

I am a microcosm of the greater macrocosm

When I think of the cells in my body, they respire, and consume, and produce waste; depending upon the cell type, I have anywhere from 60 times to thousands of times their life span.  Yet, each red blood cell, during its 256 day life span has very important work to carry out.  It must carry oxygen, transport waste, and manage the vagaries of multiple hemoglobin types in order to get things where they need to go.  Without the assistance of millions of these microscopic cells, my life could not go on. When I think about my life time in the scope of the universe - that is pretty much the biggest and oldest organism that I can recognize, with billions of eons under her belt, my little 100 years is but a brief little tiny spark in the picture. Without me, her Life can not go on either.  However, my most important job, in this weensy, tiny little span of time is to be a role model, to teach and to generate love, peace, self-confidence, inner knowledge, boundaries, and the ability to communicate, openly, with no criticism; equally important is the ability to shield myself from negative energy. By keeping my focus on the tasks at hand, instead of focusing on the source of the negative energy, I am able to diminish the influence, to set up a psychic shield to enable my success. By knowing, in my heart, my soul, my mind, that I have treated all fairly and with honor, only then can each of my filters radiate Love and filter with Love first.  Living a life of honesty and truthfulness.  Only when I have touched the lives of millions of people on Mother Earth, with Peace and Love, will I have accomplished one of my goals in this amazing lifetime.  Ire oooooo Ayodele

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Initiation - The Day I Became Apetebi

He was a very kind and gentle soul, the day we met in the parking lot of Border's Books.  A rotund, older gentleman, with a kind smile and wearing LOTS of beads.  The one's I recognized were the green and brown eleke of Ifa.

{Olufela Solawande 1902-1987, and Aururela John Turpin  state quite avidly that, wearing a lot of eleke, and calling one's self pompous names does not a Babalawo make.} 

After sharing stories, and seeing each others beads, the Baba and my husband, Hakim, realize that each was interested in Ifa; soon the matter arose that there was to be an initiation of some boys from Chicago, right here in Phoenix.  But it seems they were "one person short" of the required number of participants, so Hakim was invited to participate as an initiate by this "Baba" from the aforementioned parking lot.The night before the initiation, Hakim asked merindinlogun about the initiation, the unequivocal response, in his own interpretation was "no". He ignored the oracle. 

Shortly after arriving at the home where the initiation was to take place, I was introduced to the Iyanifa who was to "oversee" the initiation.  I'm thinking that an Iyanifa who is about to endure a three-day event which will require most of her internal energies, should be in meditation or repose. No, this Iyanifa is in the middle of a big argument with one of the initiates from Chicago, regarding some matter of history! This little tirade was consuming a huge amount of the group energy as the time and attention spent in keeping the two apart was significant.  Her behavior was so erratic, before the end of the weekend, this Iyanifa would be on my last nerve as well.  One of the attributes that is required to make spiritual progress is the ability to observe boundaries, and the ability to set boundaries within one's self. 

One of the most important elements to divination is the ability to depend upon one's own instinct, intuition, common sense, and Extrasensory Perception.  If I already REALLY know the answer to the question, I should not be divining about it.  Like, If I have to go Pee, am I going to ask the four cowries "Can I go Pee?" Not likely.  Every time I observed Iyanifa Fajoke, she was bent over those cowries like they were going to expel gold any moment. 

I actually initially respected the Baba from Mexico who came to conduct the initiation.  He spoke Yoruba like he had heard it before, and could go on for hours reading verses of Ifa in Yoruba.  We learned some call and response types of oriki - those would be songs.  He spoke a lot about taking control of one's own life by altering the way one thinks about things.  He talked about being able to manifest anything that one wants; a test of the system really did work - within 6 months I was the proud mortgagee of a rather elderly home on a beautiful golf course.  I visualized a home with a water feature in the back yard, I got a home with access to a golf course with a nearby lake!

I learned how curses work.  There was a rumor, called to the Baba from Phoenix who was hosting the initiation.  Someone told him that the Ile in Chicago was throwing hexes at this initiation and that these women were very Pissed off with him.   He proceeded to whine, cry and carry-on about those women in Chicago, until I was quite frankly sick and tired of hearing about them.  He was so preoccupied with his focus on those women in Chicago, that he left the stacks of trays containing the herbs and medicines out in the yard over night..The first in over 100 very arid nights, that it finally RAINED!  He caused his own curse to work against himself.  If he would have shut up, and focused on his present responsibilities, the herbs would have never been left outside over night. 

The sacrificial meal was prepared, which took many people most of the night and part of the next day.  When it was time to serve the sacred meal, this Baba from Mexico took off in someone's car and went to eat at McDonalds! How Rude!

What I most disliked about all three of them were their manners. Pompous and rather arrogant.  Treating me like I was their servant girl, and not even kind enough to know my name, after three solid sun ups to sun downs together.  Kind of like several of the Babas who I have met in California, "Mr. 'You can find the answer to your question on my web site'".

I don't wish to detract from the knowledge of Ifa that is held by this Baba from Mexico, he has written many books on the practice of divination based on his learning from Ode Remo Nigeria.

{Baba Turpin cautions me to choose with care who I listen to}

So at the end of the three day ceremonies, readings, oriki, and ritual, all of the initiates had brand new, pretty ikin, and a beautifully carved divining tray, and a bunch of new beads, and big, long, flowing pompous names.

{Baba Turpin says that is not what it is all about.}

Oh, and the money, it's not about the money either.  This practice of charging upwards of thousands dollars for an initiation in the United States by a self-purported Babalawo, who then leaves behind minions of Ifa Orphans, with no where to learn, and no one to teach them.  Young men are initiated with not such as a clue about the Odu or the Ese that go along with it.  I believe that if a Babalawo agrees to the responsibility of initiating an Awo into tefa, they are responsible for teaching them also.  Not just taking their money and giving them trinkets, beads and long flowing names, so they think that their money was worth it.  They still don't have any real knowledge of Ifa, or connection to the spirit through Ifa, and no one to learn from. 

In the diaspora, I have met two, maybe three honest to goodness, learned, sage and wise Babalawos - Baba Turpin and another Baba I met in California, who taught me about Otura and Irete, and about astrology, and the importance of having a current passport! Oluwo I - another amazing wise, kind and learned Man, I think he is in Texas. His wisdom is deep and freely shared. I know that there are other good and wise Babalawos, and Iyanifas  in the diaspora.  They are coming together.  The wisdom and the knowledge are free, the room and board and necessary costs must be compensated - the learning requires many years - the commitment, a lifetime.  The Priest who initiates is held accountable for the development of the student. No Initiation should take place outside of these circumstances.

There is good and bad in every system, every group, organization, political party, religion.  Sometimes it seems that the evil ones who a fakers, are the very ones who people are flocking to give their money to.  Can Love and goodness possibly overcome these who would use the teachings to line their own pockets?  Can the shift of resources occur toward the expression of the Love, Mercy and the Compassionate teachings of the humble and knowledgeable spiritual leaders?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Superior Court

In March of this year I began to pursue procuring an annulment - turns out he was still married to a woman in Portland, OR.  Funny thing is, we met about 1999-2000; thought we would grow old together, thought this was the real thing, I know I loved and honored him with all of my heart.  He had a few quirks, but then don't we all. We settled down in Phoenix, endured the hot summers which make cuddling totally impossible, and loved the winters when we could sit out back in November, in shorts and a t-shirt, and grill up some veggies on the Barbie.  On May 11, 2006 we Married - no big deal, went to the Justice of the Peace in Surprise, and in front of a handful of friends, we exchanged vows. 

According to the documents I found in the file cabinet after he left, he received his divorce decree from his wife in Portland, Or on May 11, 2009.  He had sworn to me that his divorce was already final before I agreed to marry him - I trusted his word, didn't demand to see any paperwork - I TRUSTED him.

Lack of integrity is a concern that I take very seriously.  My life is about truth, honesty and Sincerity.  Kindness, gratefulness and generosity are words that frequently cross my lips and my mind.  I believe that two adult people can have a primary committed relationship without smothering each other.  It is about being honest with each other, and non-judgmental.  It is about being open minded, and realizing that three committed working people are going to be a lot more productive than two committed working people.  There is usually someone available to cuddle, or to talk with - as long as all three, or four people are compatible and willing to work together to work out the kinks in an adult, logical and loving way.  He was the creative sort, a musician, and a very good one at that.  Women would be hanging all over the edges of the stage, practically throwing their panties at him after a gig.  He knew that he could bring any one of them home, and we would play.  Of course, many of the women would get all put out and demand to be "The Number One Woman" and "I just CAN'T Share!"  The society in American culture - especially the right-wing, religious society has women so messed up in the head that most American Women would never tolerate an open relationship, or a poly-amorous relationship.  They just don't know what they are missing. 

It was his continued addiction to the BDSM lifestyle that really began to tear us apart.  OK, I have to admit I did my share of BDSM Scenes as the Domme - I loved dressing up and scenes were intense but safe. Many of our social friends and social functions revolved around the lifestyle.

Last year when he went to visit his Teacher in San Fransisco, Baba said "BDSM is not a lifestyle that is compatible with the teachings."  He was actually referring to another Baba that he knows and did not even know that his student, my husband was so firmly entrenched in the lifestyle.  I took his words to heart - I told my husband that I was finished playing, that if he knew what was good for him he would, as well, heed Baba's words.  He wasn't hearing any of it.  Our social life began to deteriorate, and our social functions became further and fewer between.  He blamed it on me.

He began traveling to San Diego under the guise of going to play his trumpet with his friend, but in reality, he was establishing a relationship with a "submissive", married woman from Los Angeles.  Her husband was well off, she drove and Escalade, and she "Loved Him"! In early December 2009, he came back from a trip to San Diego, and announced that he was moving to California for good, but that when he could afford it, he would come back to Phoenix to visit. 

On December 17th, I got proof that he was planning to move in with the woman in CA.  I told him he had to leave and could not come back, or call, or contact me in any way.  He has been good to his word.  I have not heard a single peep from him since that day.  Not an email, not a phone call, not a word.  Of course, this has made getting the annulment much  more difficult. 

The process of filing for a annulment without the presence of the other party requires long waiting periods in case the other party finally decides to show up.  I have been consistently working on it since March 2010.  The process has taken more than 120 days by its very own design; after 120 days, the court dismisses the case because a court date has not yet been set. They claim that the case is not progressing, even though they could take a look at the case file and see that there has been constant communication, and prompt filing of forms in the correct time frames.  The government bureaucracy in the Arizona Court system SUCKS!

I am pretty sure I am better off without him; many of my girlfriends let me know, after he was gone, that they thought he was too controlling.  I guess I was in the middle of it and just couldn't see it objectively. I miss him, but my aim is improving!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Earrings

We used to play.  We were both open minded and threesomes were not an uncommon occurrence. We were open minded and in one rather erotic session, a pair of earrings was used on the nether region of the male participant.  They were the most gaudy, ugly, clip on earrings I'd ever seen; they did serve their purpose though. We had fun.  We talked about growing old together, about how important this relationship was in our lives.  That was before the sudden storm, he was out the door in four hours.  haven't heard from him since. I served the annulment papers in Superior court, and that has taken a whole passle of money, and a bunch of my time, and more than a few headaches.
After he was gone so abruptly, I packed up the remainder of his belongings and took them over to his Sister's House. 
She is a very wonderful woman, Props D, for taking a 61 year old mans stuff when he doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.  In this box of "left-behinds" was this pair of earrings that had been used in previously mentioned sessions.  This gaudy, ugly pair of clip on earrings, gold colored rims with this humongous fake pearl in the center.
He has been out of touch now for going on eight months.  The opposite of Love is not Hate, the opposite of Love is total indifference.  How does one become totally indifferent after being with another person, a mostly really good person, for more than ten years. I am becoming indifferent.
His grand daughter was asking for him during her  recent visit.  Iyame, where is Papa? Is Papa gone?Can I see him?  My daughter contacted him and let him know that his grand daughter was asking about him.  She loves him more than life itself - He will always be her Papa, no matter how indifferent he is. 

So instead, we took the Grand baby to go see her "Grandma" - She is actually the Great-Grandma - but the child has not yet that concept, suffice with "grandma".  his Mom, She is 80 years old, made of pure grit, independent, a volunteer in her community, and sharp as a tack.  She and her Grand Baby have spent time together every six months since the birth.  They Love each other. 

Mom is also all about giving gifts; ever child who visits her home goes away with a bag full of coloring books, puzzles, crayons and the like.  She is amazing - she finds age appropriate toys for each and every one of her grandchildren, and great grand children, and not just one or two, sometimes a whole basket full.  So my Grand Baby receives her gift of toys, and proceeds to keep herself busy for the next hour, putting a puzzle together, drawing and coloring.  It is phenomenal what four year olds know these days.

On the next day, Daughter and I go out to dinner,  I look across the table, and low and behold, hanging from the lobes of her ears...those gaudy, ugly, gold-colored with a big ol' fake pearl in the center, clip-on earrings.

I figure that he got the boxes from his Sister's house, went through his things, and tried to pawn them off to his Mother as some sort of magnificent "Gift". She thought they were as hideous as I do, so she pawned them off to her Great Grand Daughter in the bag of toys. I have them back now, not sure what to do with them, finding it kind of hilarious that they found their way back here.