A Life in Progress

Friday, August 27, 2010

I am a microcosm of the greater macrocosm

When I think of the cells in my body, they respire, and consume, and produce waste; depending upon the cell type, I have anywhere from 60 times to thousands of times their life span.  Yet, each red blood cell, during its 256 day life span has very important work to carry out.  It must carry oxygen, transport waste, and manage the vagaries of multiple hemoglobin types in order to get things where they need to go.  Without the assistance of millions of these microscopic cells, my life could not go on. When I think about my life time in the scope of the universe - that is pretty much the biggest and oldest organism that I can recognize, with billions of eons under her belt, my little 100 years is but a brief little tiny spark in the picture. Without me, her Life can not go on either.  However, my most important job, in this weensy, tiny little span of time is to be a role model, to teach and to generate love, peace, self-confidence, inner knowledge, boundaries, and the ability to communicate, openly, with no criticism; equally important is the ability to shield myself from negative energy. By keeping my focus on the tasks at hand, instead of focusing on the source of the negative energy, I am able to diminish the influence, to set up a psychic shield to enable my success. By knowing, in my heart, my soul, my mind, that I have treated all fairly and with honor, only then can each of my filters radiate Love and filter with Love first.  Living a life of honesty and truthfulness.  Only when I have touched the lives of millions of people on Mother Earth, with Peace and Love, will I have accomplished one of my goals in this amazing lifetime.  Ire oooooo Ayodele

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