A Life in Progress

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Earrings

We used to play.  We were both open minded and threesomes were not an uncommon occurrence. We were open minded and in one rather erotic session, a pair of earrings was used on the nether region of the male participant.  They were the most gaudy, ugly, clip on earrings I'd ever seen; they did serve their purpose though. We had fun.  We talked about growing old together, about how important this relationship was in our lives.  That was before the sudden storm, he was out the door in four hours.  haven't heard from him since. I served the annulment papers in Superior court, and that has taken a whole passle of money, and a bunch of my time, and more than a few headaches.
After he was gone so abruptly, I packed up the remainder of his belongings and took them over to his Sister's House. 
She is a very wonderful woman, Props D, for taking a 61 year old mans stuff when he doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.  In this box of "left-behinds" was this pair of earrings that had been used in previously mentioned sessions.  This gaudy, ugly pair of clip on earrings, gold colored rims with this humongous fake pearl in the center.
He has been out of touch now for going on eight months.  The opposite of Love is not Hate, the opposite of Love is total indifference.  How does one become totally indifferent after being with another person, a mostly really good person, for more than ten years. I am becoming indifferent.
His grand daughter was asking for him during her  recent visit.  Iyame, where is Papa? Is Papa gone?Can I see him?  My daughter contacted him and let him know that his grand daughter was asking about him.  She loves him more than life itself - He will always be her Papa, no matter how indifferent he is. 

So instead, we took the Grand baby to go see her "Grandma" - She is actually the Great-Grandma - but the child has not yet that concept, suffice with "grandma".  his Mom, She is 80 years old, made of pure grit, independent, a volunteer in her community, and sharp as a tack.  She and her Grand Baby have spent time together every six months since the birth.  They Love each other. 

Mom is also all about giving gifts; ever child who visits her home goes away with a bag full of coloring books, puzzles, crayons and the like.  She is amazing - she finds age appropriate toys for each and every one of her grandchildren, and great grand children, and not just one or two, sometimes a whole basket full.  So my Grand Baby receives her gift of toys, and proceeds to keep herself busy for the next hour, putting a puzzle together, drawing and coloring.  It is phenomenal what four year olds know these days.

On the next day, Daughter and I go out to dinner,  I look across the table, and low and behold, hanging from the lobes of her ears...those gaudy, ugly, gold-colored with a big ol' fake pearl in the center, clip-on earrings.

I figure that he got the boxes from his Sister's house, went through his things, and tried to pawn them off to his Mother as some sort of magnificent "Gift". She thought they were as hideous as I do, so she pawned them off to her Great Grand Daughter in the bag of toys. I have them back now, not sure what to do with them, finding it kind of hilarious that they found their way back here.

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