A Life in Progress

Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Will

"Is it necessary for Man to hurt others because he wants to achieve greatness?
Do we have to betray those we love to acquire riches?
So much negative actions between the sons of men in their search for power...
So sad...
My earth man is it really worth it?
When you hurt another you are hurting yourself...
for real...
It will catch up with you."
Hre Valentine Ossai Akpati

This makes me think of one of the principles that was taught by the christian faith, and that I later conjoined with the idea of Karma - I have heard versions of it, even from those who profess no faith..."Negative Energy (Sins, Bad Behavior, Bad Karma) will come back on to the person"...either seven times or ten times. I have heard both.

In Yoruba mythology I have learned that Esu Odara is the keeper of the crossroad, some see his actions as that of Karma; in Christian Studies, because the Missionaries who originally attempted to study the African Traditional Religions, with no interest in the study of the real African culture,worked with such a limited base of knowledge upon which to make their interpretations, he was cast as the devil, once again again, the meter out of vengence.

I recognize the Spirit and Essence of Esu Odara. Iba se Esu Odara, Oba en la Katu, Attun wa se a Benin, Ala Ke se Imire, La roiye ase Bedare, Ase, Ase, Ase O
I am reminded that every moment is a crossroad, that every meeting, an opportunity to change a life, for good or for bad. Every Soul on this Earth has this power. Free Will.

The reality I recognize is that I am responsible for my actions, my reactions, my moods, my attitudes, my behavior... which will determine my Karma, but more importantly, will determine my present state of mental health. If I am truthful, sincere, honest, kind and Loving, then I have no drama to dwell upon. Nothing that replays, over and over and over again, no second guessing, no remembering, no stress. Living in the present, being present and Loving Life. This is what we were meant to be here for. Moving gently through life.

Ase oooooooo Ayodele

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