A Life in Progress

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fences in America

Some of the most remote lands in America are FENCED -  Who ever decided that he could "OWN" that which was freely given - that which thousands of generations of native peoples lived on, moved on, danced on, and prayed on...WITHOUT A FENCE. Not only am I paying taxes for a piece of property I will never "own", the value of the property has diminished by factors of ten, and the cost of the property tax has soared...who decided that?  And they wonder why so many people are just walking away from the absolute non-sense.

I am so fed up with this society, the government - I am seeing an ultimate and total collapse, due to solar flare destruction of the technology which runs it - People will have to be survivors, strong and united with others of the same values - people who have prepared and studied about how to survive, eat off of the land, gather dew, and sow seeds, protect themselves, and commune with Olodumare/God.  There will be no mortgage payments, no parking tickets, no morning and evening, rush-hour, nerve-wracking commute.  There will be no facebook, no computers (I actually remember a world before the personal computer), no cell phones... runners will carry the news, once again.  Healers, Priest/esses, and Teachers will travel from camp to camp, offering services for barter.  The US dollar is already so devalued that a one dollar bill is worth more as fire kindling.  People will have to come alive again - to walk where they want to go, to carry water and work at survival, to unite with others...extended families, all generations coming together to reform Society, all colors, all ages, united in the act of survival.

People in America tend to be so Mono-maniacal, and self-satisfied, that they believe nothing like that could happen on American soil - how surprised they will all be, to find that their bank accounts are non-existent, their investments a mere wisp-in-the-wind - Technology has just been around long enough that corporations have become "environmentally friendly" and discontinued paper copy back up systems.  Surprise!

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