A Life in Progress

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Acid/Alkaline Balance

Our bodies are kept alive by a very complex electrical system, which at birth is a neutral pH - that is, a relatively equal balance of positively and negatively charged ions.

One can look at a water molecule as H2O, two molecules of hydrogen, and one molecule of Oxygen - however, this bond is not static, the molecules are repeatedly bonding, breaking, and re-pairing with other electrically charged ions, anions and cations.

Cells transport nutrition and waste through the cell walls by a very amazing process of positively and negatively charged pumps. The Sodium and Potassium, Chloride, and Magnesium - these are the electrolytes which are monitored by the physician in order to gauge the body's ability to regain its own balance.

Due to the meat and starch (potatoes, noodles, bread) diet, which has been promoted by the food industry and sometimes forced by economic availability, People are acidifying their body systems, millions of people are dying, and losing limbs to diabetic gangrene at alarming rates!

We must be growing our own gardens at the first peek of the last frost; we must change this statistic. By increasing the vegetables and fruits in our diets, and ridding our bodies of dairy food and milk - we can maintain the neutral to slightly alkaline pH which is most optimum for our body to function.

Unfortunately, the majority of teenage and adult people who are living today have extremely ACIDIC body systems. Everything that is on the market today, from bottled water, to the "health" drinks, are extremely acidic; white flour, starch, sugar, all contribute to an acidic system. Fast Food and Dairy Products - especially milk - are detrimental to the neutral pH, balanced environment, which is required for the proper maintenance of the body.

As a Medical Technologist, I have noticed an alarming trend; the overall acidity of patients’ urine is increasing (the pH is going down, down, down). The saliva of an individual with dis-ease is acidic. This is why there has been such a big push toward the use of anti-oxidants – a misnomer really – they are anti-hydrogens, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite nearly as well, does it? Science has proven that anti-oxidant supplements do not work! See Alan Alda’s “Scientific American” episode on the effects of a raw diet on the lives of five different people. Very interesting.

There is currently a very large movement of people who are drinking alkalinized water – which introduces millions of negatively charged ions into the body in order to neutralize the devastating acidic effects. Eating alkaline foods, which, by the way, tend to be mostly vegetables is imperative to a healthy, balanced and functioning system. Taking in small amounts of highly nutritious/low caloric food every couple of hours will ensure a proper supply of glucose within the blood system and a balance of the electrical system, causing the least amount of damage to the cells, as now every thing works together in balance and harmony.

pH strips are easy to find at any pool supply or fish supply store. Our natural body pH should be fairly close to 7.0. Most people are walking around today with acidic systems of 6.0 to 6.5 - this indicates that there are millions of positively charged hydrogen ions zooming around inside the body looking for negatively charged ions to pair up with - unfortunately there is such a plethora of hydrogen ions, most of what they do is plow through cell walls and create damage - constant every day damage. The insulin producing cells of the pancreas are the first indicator cells of advancing destruction. Out of control blood sugar is the beginning of a devastating road of self-destruction.

Actually, that is not even the most alarming statistic - the actual fact is that these millions of diet-induced diabetics go into the hospital, and hundreds of thousands of them end up with chronic, debilitating medical errors, and nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections. This drives up the cost of health care – and the Healthcare system continues to spiral out of control.

It would be so easy to repair, if each one of us began to grow our gardens in what ever space we are lead to – develop community gardens (Fremont area of Seattle WA used to have am amazing community garden system – maybe they still do), share our garden space with others, work together as communities to produce our own food. Those in the community who are knowledgeable about nutrition, herbs, healing, who honor Oyasin, they are responsible for teaching others how to eat nutritiously. This time is fast approaching when we will have to support ourselves in order to continue this earthly existence. Those who come together in Love, who share ritual, who share honestly, those enlightened souls will progress. Ase ase ase ooooooo Ayodele